Abstract: Smart meters can help citizens in optimizing energy consumption patterns. However, mixed evidence exists on their effectiveness in reducing energy demand and especially in levelling off the daily peaks... read more →
Abstract: Vor dem Hintergrund steigender Materialbedarfe und fortschreitender Klimakrise gewinnt die Kreislaufwirtschaft für die Treibhausgasemissionsreduktion auch politisch an Bedeutung. Die Umsetzung solcher Maßnahmen ist insbesondere in Grundstoffindustrien relevant, da diesen... read more →
Abstract: This paper is the first country-specific analysis of the market-driven Smart Metering innovation system, covering technologies, actors, and policies. It provides new insights on the key enablers and barriers... read more →
This paper addresses the following question: How can smart energy management system (SEMS) influence the residential electricity consumption at both individual household and national level? First, we developed an hourly... read more →
This paper addresses the following question: How can smart energy management system (SEMS) influence the residential electricity consumption at both individual household and national level? First, we developed an hourly... read more →
The aim of the newTRENDs project is not only to model energy demand but also to reach decision-makers with the modelling findings. Therewith, the project results can guide policy-makers in... read more →
Residential and commercial actors contribute around 30% of global energy-related emissions. By transitioning from consumers to prosumagers, the energy consumption and GHG emissions of these two sectors are expected to... read more →
Help us improve what we present to you by answering a few questions in the survey below. Following the work we have performed in WP2, we are currently conducting a... read more →
This new report provides a diagnosis of energy demand-side policy needs at European level, with a particular focus on effective implementation of the Energy Efficiency First principle. The analysis covers... read more →
This paper opens up the discussion on how New Societal Trends will shape future energy demand and emphasizes the crucial role of policy-making therein. We invite you to see the... read more →