Jun 07

Presentation of newTRENDs at the ECEEE Summer Study

Presentation of newTRENDs at the ECEEE Summer Study (Thursday, 10th of June at 2.30 PM – Session 1.5)

Fraunhofer ISI representatives Nadezhda Mikova, Heike Brugger, Aaron Rosa and Wolfgang Eichammer will present the results of the WP2 of the “newTRENDs” project at ECEEE Summer Study on June 10th, 2021. The presentation “Controversial impact of new societal trends on long-term energy demand in European countries” will describe the process of identifying new societal trends and quantifying their impacts on future energy consumption (increasing, decreasing or shifting). The authors will describe the process and the results of 3 expert workshops organised in order to select the relevant trends and assess their potential importance and disruptiveness. This research builds the foundation for future work within the “newTRENDs” project, where the identified new social trend clusters and narratives will inform the enhancement of energy demand models frequently used to model European long-term scenarios.