Fraunhofer ISI

The Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI (Germany) is part of the Fraunhofer Society for Applied Research in Germany, a non-profit corporation, which promotes applied research and assures the link between fundamental and industrial research. The Fraunhofer Society is mostly financed through contract work for public bodies at European, national and regional level as well as for industrial companies. The research society has around 60 research institutes all over Germany. The Fraunhofer ISI complements the scientific and technological spectrum of the Fraunhofer Institutes through interdisciplinary research on the interdependence between technology, economy and society.

Role in the project:

Fraunhofer will act as the project coordinator of newTRENDs and therefore leading WP1 on the project management. Fraunhofer will furthermore lead WP2 on the ‘Selection of New Societal Trends and Quantification of Impacts on Energy Demand’ as well as the WP6 the ‘Focus Study: Circular Economy and Digitalisation in Energy Demand Models related to the Sectors Industry and Tertiary’ in WP 6 on. Fraunhofer will further co-lead WP3 and WP8.
