Oct 14

Workshops – Modeling the influence of new societal trends on energy demand – November 2022

Join our workshops, a series of sessions dedicated to the modeling in the four newTRENDs focus studies. In each session, the model advancements will be presented, and the challenges and knowledge gaps will be discussed interactively. We count on you to help shape these important results.

The online sessions have been planned over lunchtime, from 12 to 13 CET and will cover one focus study each. Join 1, 2 or all of them and register by clicking on each session topic below!

November 3 – Circular Economy November 8 – Prosumaging

November 10 – Shared Economy November 15 – Digitalization

About the sessions 

Circular economy for the deep decarbonization of industry. The session will focus on the developed stock-driven material flow model for buildings and selected circularity measures.   

Prosumagers and big data related to the built environment: The session will be focused on modeling prosumagers in bottom-up models and their impact at a national level. 

Shared economy in transport: The objective of the session is to provide insights on modelling sharing mobility in a bottom-up approach and links to large scale applied CGE modelling (GEM-E3). 

Digitalization and new market trends in the tertiary sector. The session will provide insights on how newTRENDs is modelling the impact of digitalization and new market trends in the tertiary sector on energy demand and energy- efficiency potentials, as well as how to improve the modeling of selected digitalization policies in the tertiary and industry sector.